The Methods and Usages of Xiong Shan Bang and Ying Zhua Ba in Yu Huang¡ˉs Xin Yi Liu He Quan

Category: Wushu Festival
The Methods and Usages of Xiong Shan Bang and Ying Zhua Ba in Yu Huang’s Xin Yi Liu He Quan
    Xiong Shan Bang (the bear spreads his shoulders and arms): The beginning style: Xiong Chu Dong (the bear comes out of his den) (stand lightly) You should stand with your left foot in front of the right and turn your body rightward. Then you make the tiptoe of your back foot pointing to the heel of the foot ahead and keep a distance of 15 centimeters between the two. You should keep the toes of your front foot raised up a little bit and bend your elbows protecting your fibs. Open your fingers naturally with the centers of your palms facing downward. Your left hand should be in front of the right. Sag your wrists in front of your chest, sink down your shoulders, droop your elbows down ward naturally, shrink your chest a little and pull your back in protraction, raise your anus slightly, draw your chin backward to protect your throat and look straightly forward. You can refer to the picture (1).
Then step your fight foot rightward and forward. Your left foot should be closely following the fight. Bend your knees a little, crook your fight hand and raise it beside your right shoulder, sag your wrists, make your fists in emptiness with ten fingers curved a little and the centers of your incurvate hands facing downward simultaneously. Your left hand should be moved back making a twining pose inwards placed beside your crotch. You should slant your left shoulder a little bit ahead and look forward. Shrink and constrict your body keeping yourself ready to attack the other suddenly. Please refer to picture     (2). You should practice it this way from right style to the left in reiteration for many times.
    Notice: Practicing Xiong Shan Bang primarily exercises the Nei Wu Xing (interoceptors within one's body as five elements including his heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney). Practicing each action, you have to agglomerate yourself, sink down your shoulders, drop your elbows downward naturally, shrink your chest and pull your back in protraction, raise your anus and breathe naturally.
    Usage: if my opponent is hitting my face with his fight palm, I immediately twine his fight hand inward with my left hand making his chest exposed. Then I beat his chest with my left shoulder and hit his face with my fight hand applying Dan Ba (single grasping).
   Ying Zhua Ba (eagle-like grasping)
   The beginning style: Xiong Chu Dong(stand lightly)
Stand with the left foot in the front and the right back and keep the toes of your front foot raised up a little. Cross your hands in front of your head with the left ahead and lower than the right. The arch made by the thumb and the forefinger of your hand behind should point to of your front one. Your fingers should be all opened in unwinding. Look evenly and horizontally from your right side to the front somewhat like a lanneret is spreading his wings. Please refer to picture (3). Then you should press your palms downward to your knees and squat down like a palm-civet watching a rat. Please refer to picture (4). Then you grasp and simultaneously turn your hands inward through your insteps. Stand up like a lanneret is spreading his wings when you grasp and raise your hands. You should practice it this way from right style to the left in reiteration for many times.
    Notice: Practicing Ying Zhua Ba, you have to sink down your shoulders, droop your elbows downward naturally, relax your waist and arch your back, raise your anus, keep your tongue touching your palate and breathe naturally.
    Usage: if my opponent hit my ears with his hands at once, I am immediately separating his hands by applying Ying Zhua Ba, then strike his chest with Zhong Men Tou hitting with my head moved in midline) and beat his crotch with my knee raised rapidly.