Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin Kungfu Settled in Henan University of Technology
On the afternoon of November 29, 2019, the Inauguration of Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin Kungfu and the 1st Wushu Culture Translation and International Communication Forum (Henan) were concurrently held at the Lecture Hall of Henan University of Technology (Lianhua Campus).
Over 230 participants attended the event. [Photo/Henan University of Technology]
Over 230 participants attended the event, including Wang Gangyi, former deputy director of China International Publishing Group, executive vice president and secretary general of Translators Association of China and executive director of China Academy of Translation and Interpreting, Yang Weibin, inspector of Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, as well as faculties and students from Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an University of Technology, Zhengzhou University, Henan Normal University and Henan University of Engineering, etc.
The Inauguration of Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin Kungfu. [Photo/Henan University of Technology]
At the opening ceremony, Yang Weibin, inspector of Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, and Zhu Wenxue, vice president of Henan University of Technology, unveiled the nameplate of Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin Kungfu before all other guests. Subsequently, Zhu Wenxue issued the Letter of Appointment to Wang Gangyi, Li Yindong and Lv Hongjun as honored professors of Henan University of Technology. At the signing ceremony, the School of Foreign Languages of Henan University of Technology signed a strategic cooperation agreement with periodical Shaolin
and Taichi, and Songshan Shaolin
Vocational College, aiming at in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the fields of faculty training, student exchange and translation projects.
Zhu Wenxue issued the Letter of Appointment to experts and scholars as honored professors of Henan University of Technology. [Photo/Henan University of Technology]
At the 1st Wushu Culture Translation and International Communication Forum (Henan) that followed, several keynote speeches were delivered by experts and scholars on how to make Henan province better known to the outside world so as to popularize Chinese Wushu worldwide.
Keynote speech delivered by Wang Gangyi. [Photo/Henan University of Technology]
It is reported that, in June of this year, the application of Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin Kungfu proposed by Henan University of Technology was approved by the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee after long-term preparation and strict procedures. This is the first center co-established by university and provincial government on Shaolin
Kungfu translation project, which initiated the first cooperation of Book Shaolin
Kungfu translation as a part of the whole “Translating Henan” project. The Inauguration of Henan Provincial Research & Translation Center for Shaolin
Kungfu and the 1st Wushu Culture Translation and International Communication Forum (Henan) mark a new milestone in the integrating translation and cross-cultural research, which will play a positive role in promoting academic research on translation and the cultivation of cross-cultural faculties, give a full play to the academic and resource advantages of Henan University of Technology in such respects as cross-cultural communication, translation studies, foreign language education, language services, etc. In the years to come, Henan University of Technology will sustainably adapt itself to the country’s needs, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning with foreign countries and better disseminate traditional Chinese culture.
据了解,经过长期筹备与申报,河南工业大学于2019年6月获中共河南省委外事委办公室共建河南省首个少林功夫外译研究中心的批复,并承担“翻译河南”工程项目《中华源少林功夫卷》的翻译工作。此次河南省少林功夫外译研究中心揭牌仪式暨河南省首届武术文化外译与国际传播高峰论坛是翻译与跨文化研究领域新的里程碑,对促进翻译学术研究和跨文化人才培养起积极指导和推动作用,充分发挥了河南工业大学在跨文化沟通、翻译研究、外语教育、语言服务等领域的专业和资源优势,聚焦国家战略需求,服务于河南对外文化交流和人文互鉴,讲好河南故事,传播中原文化,让中原更出彩。(撰稿郭崇 编译赵汉青 审稿焦丹)